This life is His. From beginning to end.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm a happy person. People describe me as cheerful, happy, joyful, patient, nice, reserved, motivated. I don't always have a smile on my face, but generally, if I'm not happy, i'm content. One thing I discovered about myself during my summer with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)that I never would have thought was true is that I'm a patient person. I'm a good listener, and my ideal profession is teaching. Although I'm excitable, it's only in a good way; generally, I am laid-back, trusting that "everything will work out in the end somehow". Some poeple might think that I have an almost unhealthy carefree attitude, but I just find it natural to trust God; it's a gift He's given me...something He's taught me to do. I'll admit that every once in a while, I feel that I can handle things, and try to survive on my own, "do it myself", but He always shows me how much better it is just to let it go, and trust it to His care (1 Peter 5:7).

How would we know good without first knowing evil?

How would we understand perfection without first understanding imperfection?

What words could we possibly use to describe "cold" to someone who was born and raised in a never-under-70-degrees climate?

Contrast is something God uses to reveal Himself to us. It is no accident that God called that tree "The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". When Adam and Eve ate of the tree, they KNEW what sin was, they KNEW what it meant to make a mistake...and only when they knew the evil could they know God for who He really is. I believe God wants to be known. He doesn't NEED to be known, the way that we as humans do; but He wants it. I believe that's why He created humans in the first place; He created us to know Him, to love Him. God knows who He is, and He knows what anything other than He is. But if Adam and Eve had never known sin and evil, how could they have truly known God? They couldn't have. The word "good" would have no meaning to them. So God purposed to create the means by which sin would enter the world, to show us what evil, sin, and suffering are. Now that we know this, now we can know Him. And how would we have ever known how much He loves us, if He hadn't proven it by sending His Son to die for us? "There is no greater love than this..." He showed us in a way we would understand. And now we know Him and are getting to know Him more every day. Relax and rejoice; God is in control!


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