This life is His. From beginning to end.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Christ vs Conformity website is here!!!!

After the arrival of my mac, creating this website has been a piece of cake!

Check it out:

Grace and peace,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's those moments waiting when there's nothing to do that I think
Somehow I've got it all wrong
I start questioning my beliefs, my life, my choices, my existence
But that never gets me anywhere

It's those times when all is right and life becomes mundane
That I have time to talk with God
With this pile of stuff around me, the wants, the needs, the waste
It's easy to forget to listen for

His voice whispering
Are you listening
To what this could be
And all that is
Are you sure
This is what you want
No I'm not sure
Of anything anymore

Writing poetry brings me back to the intricate simplicity of life. Being creative reminds me of all the things I miss:
Walking in the woods, without worry, leaving behind cares and just being.
Floating on my back in the ocean for hours, just listening to the waves, and imagining that I live beneath the depths where the world can't find me.
Singing familiar songs around a campfire, being friends and making friends.

Writing brings those things from the past into the present, and reminds me that all those things are also in my future.